Music Dictionary/E
Choose the letter which begins musical term that you would like to learn about:
EThird note of the C major scale.
ÉcossaisScottish, in Scottish style.
E durKey of E major.
Eighth note and eighth rest A note and rest half the length of a quarter
note and an eighth of the length of a whole note.
Eighth notes Two eighth notes next to each other. Both these eighth notes beamed together equal one quarter note.
ElegyA composition of a mournful and commemorative character.
Eleventh An interval comprised of an octave and a fourth.
Embouchure The mouthpiece of a wind instrument or the position and management of the mouth and lips of the player.
E molKey of E minor.
EncoreTo repeat a piece or play an additional piece
at the end of a performance.
EnharmonicA term used to describe notes of the same
pitch which have different names, e.g. c
and d, f and g.
Espressivo Expressively.
Esuberante Exuberant.
Definitions and terms excerpted from
Belwin Pocket Dictionary of Music: Music Theory Dictionary
By Dr. William Lee
The Thomas Music Studio
is located
in Beaverton, Oregon
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