Music Dictionary/O
Choose the letter which begins musical term that you would like to learn about:
OctaveThe eighth tone above a given pitch, with twice as many vibrations
per second, or below a given pitch, with half as many vibrations.
OctetA piece for eight instruments or voices.
Open fifthA triad without a third.
Open stringsStrings are not stopped, fingured, or fretted.
Opus, OpThe term, meaning work, is used by composers to show
the chronological order of their works, e.g. Op. 1, Op. 2.
OrchestraA large group of musicians made up of string, brass, woodwind,
and percussion instruments.
OrchestrationThe art of writing, arranging, or scoring for the orchestra.
Ornamentation Note or notes added to the original melodic line for embellishment
and added interest.
Ornaments Melodic embellishments, either written or improvised.
Ossia"Or." Indicating an alternative passage or version.
OstinatoA repeated melodic or rhythmic pattern, frequently appearing
in the bass line.
Ottava alta(8va) An octave higher.
Ottave bassa(8va or 8vb) An octave lower.
OvertonesThe almost inaudible higher tones which occur with the fundamental
tone. They are the result of the vibration of small sections
of a string (instrument) or a column of air. Other general terms
for overtones are partials and harmonics.
OvertureThe introductory music for an opera, oratorio or ballet. A
concert overture is an independent work.
Definitions and terms excerpted from
Belwin Pocket Dictionary of Music: Music Theory Dictionary
By Dr. William Lee
The Thomas Music Studio
is located
in Beaverton, Oregon
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