Music Dictionary/J
Choose the letter which begins musical term that you would like to learn about:
JackThe quill or hopper which strikes the strings of a harpsichord or the upright lever in piano action.
Jagd-stückA hunting piece.
Janko keyboardA system of piano keys in several manuals, or ranks, invented by Paul von Janko. This keyboard necessitates only a small stretch for large intervals.
JazzA significant musical art form which has been developed almost solely in America and is characterized by a great degree of skilful improvisation, distinct rhythmic punctuation and an original approach to instrumentation and orchestration.
JeuPlay. Also an organ stop.
Jig, Gigue, GigaA lively dance.
Just intonationThe correct sounding of intervals in singing or playing.
Definitions and terms excerpted from
Belwin Pocket Dictionary of Music: Music Theory Dictionary
By Dr. William Lee
The Thomas Music Studio
is located
in Beaverton, Oregon
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