Music Dictionary/N
Choose the letter which begins musical term that you would like to learn about:
NachAfter (as "in the manner of"); behind.
Nachtmusik"Night music." A serenade.
A musical symbol which cancels a previous
sharp or flat.
Natural minor scale (pure minor)The natural minor scale differs from the major scale in that the third, sixth and seventh degrees are lowered one-half step, both ascending and descending. For more information, see Scales and Chords.
NeumaticOne style of chant in which two to four pitches occur on one
syllable; in contrast to melismatic and syllabic.
NonNo; not.
Nonharmonic tonesA designation for tones outside the harmonic structure of the
chord. Two frequently used examples are the passing tone and
the appoggiatura.
Non troppoNot too much. Used with other terms, e.g. non troppo allegro,
not too fast.
Notation A term for a system of expressing musical sounds through the use
of written characters, called notes.
NoteThe symbol which, when placed on a staff with a particular clef
sign, indicates pitch and duration.
NuanceSubtle variations in tempo, phrasing, dynamics, etc., to enhance
a musical performance.
Definitions and terms excerpted from
Belwin Pocket Dictionary of Music: Music Theory Dictionary
By Dr. William Lee
The Thomas
Music Studio
is located
in Beaverton,
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